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Make the Best Out of Remote Work and Offsite Meetings

Post-pandemic work will be in a hybrid format one way or another. A recent study shows, 97% of companies are planning for a hybrid working of some kind, and working remotely or this flexibility has become one of the most ‘musts’ what employees want from their company. So, how do you keep your team motivated ?

From the employer’s perspective, renting an office space is becoming increasingly expensive especially when it’s not utilised fully. From the employee’s perspective, commuting can be both time and energy consuming, various meeting technologies have made it possible for the team to collaborate without needing to be in the same room, and people would rather spend time with their families or nurture their hunger for sports, or arts. In practical terms, remote work allows people to live wherever and however they want. Of course, as long as the job gets done.

How do you keep your employees motivated remotely? How do you make sure the job gets done?

We, humans, are tribal creatures and seek social interactions. Spending long hours at home or satellite office closer to home can be a quite lonely business, and even if we might be geared for working independently, motivation may drop with no regular contacts with a team, and a feeling of isolation can be overwhelming.

Make sure communication is smooth and invest in apps and tools that work. It can also help you to keep an eye on the progress toward meeting your targets. The team should be in touch regularly, either virtually or physically. Also, don’t forget that they are still your colleagues, so do save some time for a quick catch up!

With a clear setup and structure for regular communications that everyone understands, is there still the need to meet up in person?

The answer is YES.

Successful companies and organisations arrange days for their employees to come together on a regular basis. Nothing beats a real, human contact. Ideally, meeting in person should happen at least a couple of times a year. Don’t shy away from organising that. It’s money well-spent.

Why organise offsite meetings?

1. You can choose the venue according to the needs of the occasion

Need to motivate and inspire for the upcoming season? Look out for unique locations rather than dull hotel meeting rooms. Depending on what your goal for the day is, you could find a dedicated space best suited for the purpose and the mood. Are you planning a brainstorming or strategy session and wish it to be in-person? Find a space where it allows everyone to move around freely as well as to gather them together in smaller groups. A place that is inviting and inspires you, a room which sparkles creativity and allows all personalities to shine!

2. People are better prepared and more engaged

Getting together with your team is no-longer something that happens on a daily basis. So, your team knows that it is the chance to ask questions face-to-face, and have a in-depth discussion about a topic that you’ve been meaning to have for a long time. The off-site meeting will be planned in advance., which means more structure. When there are clear agenda with topics to be addressed during that meeting, people are more focused. They will be in more engaging mode, which will result in a much more productive day and sense of fulfilment.

3. No waste of time

You could use the day fully by planning ahead. For instance, you can choose a place with an in-house kitchen to avoid people wasting time looking for a restaurant. Plan in the breakfast before the event so people have that well-needed time to catch up with each other and have that ‘transition’ into the day.  You could also organise delicious and healthy snacks to break the afternoon meetings and keep the energy level up. Evening after-work or team building activities could be added, and should also be selected carefully.

4. You can create a lasting experience 

You can create an unforgettable experience for your colleagues. Creating a better meeting experience is as important as ending the day with a list of next steps. Give your team time  to network, to spend time together and bond. You can consider incorporating multi-sensory aspect when planning your offsite day. The place, the food, and the activities will make everyone feel more connected and will provide a sense of belonging despite the distance. The day will have an impact on the quality of their work as well as motivation level.

Business Event Trends 2022